Monday, November 21, 2005

Google Believer 101, "just getting started"

Way back when there was no Google, one day about 10 years ago, someone said "try this search engine". After trying it I never went back to the likes of Lycos or Altavista. Google was heads an shoulders above the rest.
Now Google is doing it again. Google is taking over the internet. In the last couple of months Google has launched one new program after the other. A good example of what I'm talking about is a program we all used called MapQuest. Well Google came out with and I haven't looked back. Google does it better !!

In the last two weeks Google has launched, Google Video, Google Base, Google Analytics,
Google blog search, gmail, and I'm sure I've missed a few. If your not keeping up with what Google's doing, from a marketing stand point, your being left behind.

Everyday a new announcement, today it's a new RSS clicklet button which says Add to Google

If you don't have a Google account now "you will". Google is trying to created a "standard for the internet" and "I believe" they're going to do it. It's time to jump on board.