Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blogging, Blog Builder, Blog Master, RSS marketing

It is my contention that email marketing is becoming less and less effective. Building product specific commercial blogs with plenty of RSS feed paths (clicklets) for the audience is the marketing wave of the future. Build it an they will come.

11/16/2005 Recent statement from a market research group

Is the Internet technology powering the blog phenomenon poised to forever change the future of digital marketing? According to industry analyst firm, Jupiter Research, consumers are adopting Really Simple Syndication (RSS) at an astounding rate. Jupiter says individualized RSS can enhance specific aspects of your overall marketing plan, and why it may even be uniquely suited to displace certain types of email.

In its October 2005 report, "The Messaging Innovation Imperative: The Rise of Individualized RSS as Personalized Messaging Medium," Jupiter calls email an embattled communication medium challenged every day by spam, viruses, phishing attacks and hampered deliverability. Individualized RSS--provided it meets seven requirements--represents a great opportunity for companies to develop an alternative messaging system to restore consumer confidence and reduce costs associated with current email woes.

Gary 888-613-8893