Thursday, November 24, 2005

Google and tomorrow - Blogs-Built by Blog Builder

I just read a great article on "Who's afraid of Google? Everyone". Kevin Kelleher Wired Magazine Dec 2005

If your a marketing consult or just a person wanting to sell your products you need to pay attention to what's happening in the Google shpere

This is the link to the article

Monday, November 21, 2005

Google Believer 101, "just getting started"

Way back when there was no Google, one day about 10 years ago, someone said "try this search engine". After trying it I never went back to the likes of Lycos or Altavista. Google was heads an shoulders above the rest.
Now Google is doing it again. Google is taking over the internet. In the last couple of months Google has launched one new program after the other. A good example of what I'm talking about is a program we all used called MapQuest. Well Google came out with and I haven't looked back. Google does it better !!

In the last two weeks Google has launched, Google Video, Google Base, Google Analytics,
Google blog search, gmail, and I'm sure I've missed a few. If your not keeping up with what Google's doing, from a marketing stand point, your being left behind.

Everyday a new announcement, today it's a new RSS clicklet button which says Add to Google

If you don't have a Google account now "you will". Google is trying to created a "standard for the internet" and "I believe" they're going to do it. It's time to jump on board.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blogging, Blog Builder, Blog Master, RSS marketing

It is my contention that email marketing is becoming less and less effective. Building product specific commercial blogs with plenty of RSS feed paths (clicklets) for the audience is the marketing wave of the future. Build it an they will come.

11/16/2005 Recent statement from a market research group

Is the Internet technology powering the blog phenomenon poised to forever change the future of digital marketing? According to industry analyst firm, Jupiter Research, consumers are adopting Really Simple Syndication (RSS) at an astounding rate. Jupiter says individualized RSS can enhance specific aspects of your overall marketing plan, and why it may even be uniquely suited to displace certain types of email.

In its October 2005 report, "The Messaging Innovation Imperative: The Rise of Individualized RSS as Personalized Messaging Medium," Jupiter calls email an embattled communication medium challenged every day by spam, viruses, phishing attacks and hampered deliverability. Individualized RSS--provided it meets seven requirements--represents a great opportunity for companies to develop an alternative messaging system to restore consumer confidence and reduce costs associated with current email woes.

Gary 888-613-8893

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Blogging, Blog Builder, Blog Master, List

Greetings, Every blog is a website but not every website is a blog. Below you'll see a list of some of the blogs I've done. was the first blog I did. I've registared this blog onto most of the blog search engines. This blog gets about 250 visiters a week with about 500 page views. I build a quick and effective blog/web site. Give me a call anytime 888-613-8893 Custom made movie prop boots Bible software Waves audio software Hospital Jobs Nursing Jobs Physician Jobs Healthcare Jobs Kiss Band costumes, Armor, Boots

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Blogs-build -Bolg Builder adds unique blog

I guess it doesn't take much time to get the word out when you've got a good program. I built this blog in the morning and by the evening it was on the top of the list when doing a search. I had fun with this one.
Call me at 888-613-8893 or email

He builds quality Kiss Costumes and Armor but doesn't know much about marketing on the internet. I charged a one time set up fee of $250.00 and 29.00 a month. All transactions are
done through pay pal so it's easy on both me and my blogsters.

He has partnered with another one of my blogs the boot people to round out the costume.