Monday, April 17, 2006

Missionary Blog added to the list.

Philippine-Missions - for Jesus

The newly created blog address is,

In the Spring of 1992, in obedience to the direction I believed God was giving me, I sold most of what I owned and took a step of faith in missions service to the Lord, moving to the Philippines to begin a lifelong work there. My wife Emie and I praise God for the thousands of people who have come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord over these past 13+ years of ministry.
This is a faith-based ministry that has been able to continue to minister in many areas as the Lord has provided, with prayer and financial support from Christian individuals and Christian churches—believers who have it in their hearts to see lost people in their own communities and also in other parts of the world come to know the joy and peace of receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
God has touched the hearts of people to help this ministry who either know us personally or have heard about the ministry through the testimonies of friends. We thank the Lord for each person and for each church congregation who is supporting us now and for those who will become partners with us in reaching people for Jesus. We trust God to bless and reward you as we continue to co-labor together for Him.
In Christ’s love,Gordon & Emie Kalich
2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”