Monday, April 17, 2006

Blog Trends

Blogosphere 60 Times Larger than Three Years Ago

The blogosphere is doubling in size every six months and is now 60 times larger than it was three years ago, according to the latest quarterly installment of David Sifry's "State of the Blogosphere" report. He writes that Technorati now tracks over 35.3 Million blogs. On average, a new weblog is created every second of every day - more than 75,000 new blogs created every day. Technorati also tracks about 1.2 million new blog posts per day, or about 50,000 per hour.

Some 19.4 million bloggers (55 percent) continue to post three months after their blogs were created (in the previous quarter, 13.7 million blogs were active, 50.5 percent). Moreover, about 3.9 million bloggers update their blogs at least weekly.
Although spam blogs (splogs) and fake pings (spings) have increased overall, "the high level of interesting, original content being created greatly outweighs the fake or duplicate content listed on splogs," writes Sifry.

Blog Listing for Blogs-built "The Rowdy Roddy Piper Show" w/ "Mean Gene Okerlund Kiss Band costumes, Armor, Boots Zachary Johnson "The Kiss Kid" Kiss Dolls Phipippine-Missions For Jesus US Coast Guard Captain for hire Custom made movie BOOTS Bible software Waves audio software Hospital Jobs Nursing Jobs Physician Jobs Healthcare Jobs

"The Rowdy Roddy Piper Show" w/ "Mean Gene Okerlund

Piper blog

The "Rowdy" Roddy Piper Show is a two hour "tell it all" one man standup performance where he'll have you laughing and crying at the sametime. Now added to the show Mean Gene Oakerlund.
This is the place to come for show information. Roddy a WWE era Hall of famer, when being inducted to the Hall Of fame by16 timesworld heavy weight champion Rick Flare said and I quote " The Greatest entertainer in the history of professional wrestling bar none Rowdy Roddy Piper". Hot Rod as said by Mean Gene Oakerlund in the the Hall of fame footage "Was one of the few wrestler to lay claim to being the most hated and the most beloved wrestler in WWE wrestling history."

Just when you think you got the answers, I change the questions!" was his motto and a weekly interview segment called "Piper's Pit" where he would irritate his guests to the point where a feud would follow. The most infamous "Pipers Pit" incident occurred when Piper cracked Jimmy Snuka over the head with a coconut. Later on, Piper's Pit was used as a vital set-up for the Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant showdown at Wrestlemania III.By that time, the "Hot Rod" had turned face and had a spectacular match of his own at WMIII against Adrian Adonis, who wound up bald at the end of the match! You knew the Hot Rod was a tough cookie when he boxed Mr.T at Wrestlemania II and made T look absolutely ridiculous in the process.

Piper was the ultimate rebel of the wrestling world, black balled and out of professional wrestling for refusing to take a dive for 17 1/2 years. Piper has shared the ring with everyone from Andrea the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Muhammad Ali,and a 650 lb Kodiak Bear named Victor.

Missionary Blog added to the list.

Philippine-Missions - for Jesus

The newly created blog address is,

In the Spring of 1992, in obedience to the direction I believed God was giving me, I sold most of what I owned and took a step of faith in missions service to the Lord, moving to the Philippines to begin a lifelong work there. My wife Emie and I praise God for the thousands of people who have come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord over these past 13+ years of ministry.
This is a faith-based ministry that has been able to continue to minister in many areas as the Lord has provided, with prayer and financial support from Christian individuals and Christian churches—believers who have it in their hearts to see lost people in their own communities and also in other parts of the world come to know the joy and peace of receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
God has touched the hearts of people to help this ministry who either know us personally or have heard about the ministry through the testimonies of friends. We thank the Lord for each person and for each church congregation who is supporting us now and for those who will become partners with us in reaching people for Jesus. We trust God to bless and reward you as we continue to co-labor together for Him.
In Christ’s love,Gordon & Emie Kalich
2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”

Monday, January 16, 2006

New blog added to the list Capt Terry

I just added a new blog. Marketing using blogs, I believe, is the future. You don't have to build a web site because you can build a blog. A blog is a web site. It has it own url. Check this one out. US Coast Guard Captain for hire. Custom made movie prop Bible software Waves audio software Hospital Jobs Nursing Jobs Physician Jobs Healthcare Jobs Kiss Band costumes, Armor, Boots